Ball State’s Student Radio Station WCRD Broadcasts from the University Libraries’ Plaza

An unseasonably warm October extended the time for outdoor activities on the Ball State campus. On Tuesday, October 30, 2007, student-run radio station WCRD, 91.3 FM, held part of its daily broadcast on Bracken Library’s south plaza with sunny skies and temperatures in the high 50s.
Jade K. Sullivan, the station’s promotions director, staffed a table on Bracken’s south side while playing music and visiting with students who were heading into the library. She said the live remote broadcast was set up to support Bracken Library and encourage people to read while they listen to the radio. During the day, people could enter drawings for free concert tickets and receive giveaways provided by WCRD.
“It’s great when different organizations work together and connect with students,” said Susan G. Akers, Marketing Communications Manager for Ball State University Libraries. “There is so much going on at the Libraries. We are a learning center in the heart of campus.”
The University Libraries are looking forward to a collaborative relationship with WCRD during the academic year. A production team of students from the radio station has developed a series of 30-second spots which run evenings twice per week during 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
WCRD, also known as "The Bird," broadcasts from the David Letterman Communication and Media Building 24 hours per day providing music, Ball State and local area high school sporting events, and a variety of public affairs and news programs. Music is streamed over the Internet, thanks to The Muncie Music Center. Listen to WCRD at
For more information, contact Susan G. Akers, Ball State University Libraries’ Marketing Communications Manager,, 765-285-5031.
Labels: Ball State University Libraries, college radio, WCRD
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