Ball State University Libraries Reach out to Transfer Students

Students who transfer to Ball State University usually miss the library instruction sessions provided to freshmen in conjunction with their English 103/104 classes. Transfer students probably participated in similar sessions at their earlier institutions, yet much of the information becomes obsolete since resources and facilities differ from one library to another.
To assist the transfer student with the transition to Ball State University, Information Services personnel, Lisa Jarrell and Brenda Yates-Habich, have created instruction sessions early in the semester targeted specifically to transfer students. These sessions, called Library 411: Important Information for Transfer Students, focus on research skills and library resources needed to help students succeed.
The two librarians also partnered with Yasemin Tunç, Director for Technology Training Support Services, in creating a Blackboard community to provide all transfer students with quick links to frequently used library resources, such as online tutorials, subject guides, interlibrary loan forms, and immediate, live-chat contact with a reference librarian. The Blackboard community will also be used to announce forthcoming workshops and events of particular interest to transfer students.
For more information, contact Lisa J. Jarrell, Instruction Services Librarian, or Brenda Yates-Habich, Information Services Librarian, at 765-285-8017.
To assist the transfer student with the transition to Ball State University, Information Services personnel, Lisa Jarrell and Brenda Yates-Habich, have created instruction sessions early in the semester targeted specifically to transfer students. These sessions, called Library 411: Important Information for Transfer Students, focus on research skills and library resources needed to help students succeed.
The two librarians also partnered with Yasemin Tunç, Director for Technology Training Support Services, in creating a Blackboard community to provide all transfer students with quick links to frequently used library resources, such as online tutorials, subject guides, interlibrary loan forms, and immediate, live-chat contact with a reference librarian. The Blackboard community will also be used to announce forthcoming workshops and events of particular interest to transfer students.
For more information, contact Lisa J. Jarrell, Instruction Services Librarian, or Brenda Yates-Habich, Information Services Librarian, at 765-285-8017.
Labels: Ball State University Libraries, residence halls outreach, transfer students
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