Monday, October 09, 2006

Instructional Technology for Student Engagement

The University Libraries’ Technology Training Support Services unit is a key resource for faculty to incorporate new and current technology applications as part of their classroom instruction for student engagement.
During the academic year, faculty regularly are informed about new and current learning and productive technologies that are available to them through the unit’s TechLinks monthly newsletter and individual or group consultation sessions with one of the unit’s Technology Training Specialists.
For example, the Blackboard Academic Suite is a powerful technology for faculty to reach and engage students. Training and support for Blackboard is provided by Yasemin Tunç. This year, it is being used by 64% of the faculty, up from 57% last year. Among other features, the software facilitates:
• Secure access to course materials
• Convenient and organized way to collect assignments electronically without involving the faculty member’s Outlook in-box
• Effective collaboration tools such as discussion boards and chat sessions
• Access to Ball State University Libraries’ information resources

Blogging and podcasting are becoming popular technologies to add additional interactivity to courses and to capture valuable communication and content for future reference by both students and faculty. Training and support for these is provided by Barbara Wills.
The testing and surveying tool developed at Ball State University, inQusit, is another technology for engaging students in the learning process. Mini, pre-class quizzes made available through inQsit encourage student participation and enhance learning. Yasemin Tunç provides inQsit training for faculty.
There are also many training sessions provided in group or individual settings for staff that feature the use of productivity software, such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, among others.
For more information, contact Yasemin Tunç at (765) 285-5902 or via e-mail at for a consultation on a variety of these and other teaching and learning tools and their specific uses.


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