Collaborative Exhibit at Bracken Library Focuses on History of Printed Word

Labels: academic library, archives, Ball State, Bracken Library, Christine Satory, printed word, visual communications
Labels: academic library, archives, Ball State, Bracken Library, Christine Satory, printed word, visual communications
Ball State University’s Strategic Plan 2007-2012 (Goal 4 and Objective F) calls for the University Council on the Environment, through its representative members, to create sustainability plans for each university unit. The University’s vision and commitment are summarized by its Sustainability Statement,
Labels: academic libraries, Ball State University, sustainabiilty
Labels: academic libraries, Ball State, Bracken Library
Labels: academic libraries, Adaptive Computer Technology, Ball State University Libraries, new media
As the availability of digital content grows and expectations of the users of digital resources increase, the need for careful planning for the growth and development of the University Libraries’ digital initiatives is vital.
Labels: academic libraries, Ball State University Libraries, digital collection, digital media repository
by Arthur W. Hafner, Dean of University Libraries
Labels: Ball State Libraries, Contentdm, digital assets, digital repository
The program Winston Churchill and the Literary History of Politics will be presented by Jonathan E. Rose, the William R. Kenan Professor of History at Drew University, on April 9, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in Bracken Library’s Forum Room, BL-225.
Labels: Ball State University Libraries, Jonathan Rose, Ray Boomhower
The program Winston Churchill and the Literary History of Politics will be presented by Jonathan E. Rose, the William R. Kenan Professor of History at Drew University, on April 9, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. in Bracken Library’s Forum Room, BL-225.
Labels: Ball State University Libraries, Jonathan Rose, Ray Boomhower
Cardinal Scholar, Ball State University’s institutional repository, serves as a place where students, faculty, staff, and both academic and administrative units can deposit their intellectual and creative works and have the content accessible to a worldwide audience.
Labels: academic libraries, Ball State, digital repository
Labels: academic libraries, Ball State University Libraries, DVD list, movie list
The Ball State University Libraries will be a partner in a $50,000 grant project funded by the Cantigny First Division Foundation to develop a visual and oral history project.
Labels: academic library, Ball State University Libraries, Cantigny First Division Foundation, Middletown Oral History, visual history
Labels: academic library, Ball State University Libraries, multimedia environment
Ball State University Libraries have a presence on Facebook with the potential to connect with more than 25,000 members in the Ball State University network, including students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
Labels: academic libraries, Ball State University Libraries, Facebook
Labels: Ball State University Libraries, Deborah Mix, experimental writing, Gertrude Stein, modern women's writers
Labels: academic library, laminator, large format plotter
Managing scholarly journal and magazine articles available in electronic format is a major activity in the University Libraries. To facilitate the management, tracking, and access to this important collection of academic content, in 2002 the University Libraries began a collaborative project with University Computing Services to create an electronic journal management system (EJMS). Today, this project serves as the data backbone of the Libraries’ public A to Z e-journals list,
Labels: academic library management system, Ball State University Libraries, electronic journals
On Monday, January 28, 2008, with the help of my Nancy Pearl librarian action figure, I had the privilege of escorting five first through fourth graders and their Ball State student mentors on a tour of Bracken Library. The action figure, with her "shushing" movement, helped us to remember to keep our voices at a normal level. Unlike the stereotypical hush and quiet of a librarian, I encouraged talking and interaction as we made our way through the bustle of Bracken that is always packed with students and faculty.
Labels: Ball State University Libraries, musical fraternities, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Sigma Alpha Iota