Thursday, December 18, 2008

University Libraries Update the CitationLinker

The University Libraries unveiled an updated version of CitationLinker in early December. Designed to work seamlessly with FindIt@BSU, CitationLinker, an ExLibris product, allows students and faculty to locate available online full text using citation information. The new version is available at¶m_perform_value=citation.

The new CitationLinker features a more streamlined appearance than the previous version. Additionally, the form accommodates Digital Object Idenitifers (DOIs) and PubMed IDs (PMIDs). These unique numbers have grown in use and acceptance in the past few years, and users who have a DOI or PMID (used in PubMed databases) do not need any other citation information to find their articles. If users do not have a DOI or PMID, they can still enter other citation information to use the form.

Another key feature of the updated CitationLinker allows users online to locate FindIt-enabled journals or eBook titles either by title or by subject category. Searching by title is much easier with the AJAX Auto-Complete feature. As users type titles, a preview list of results appears, which they can use to select a title or to get ideas for other searches. The category tab also features subcategories, and encourages exploration of journal and eBook titles.


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